Hotel amenities are items offered to guests for free, improving the overall hotel experience by providing comfort and convenience. Amenities are different depending on the level of the hotel and the type of accommodations offered.
Traveling is a great way to recharge, relax, and leave behind the cares of the world. However, one of the most important things for you to know is what are hotel amenities present in the hotel you choose to stay. No matter which hotel you choose, the amenities included in your stay will be a huge factor in determining how enjoyable your stay will be.
Good Bath
Travelers always look forward to a relaxing yet rejuvenating bath. Make sure your shower has good water pressure and that hand soap, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner are available.
Clean Hygiene Kit
Usually the most common amenities are single-use toothbrush and toothpaste, cotton tips and balls, sewing kit, among others. Each set is packed individually, to keep clean.
Comfortable Slippers
Offer your guests slippers which they can take home with them. It’s greatly appreciated to step out of bed into slippers instead of walking around barefoot, and it’s great free promotion for your hotel if the guests take them home. Different fabrics slippers are alternative for different type of accommodations